Marital Dissolution & Child Custody
Unfortunately, not all relationships which start out well end that way. VS&B will stand by you at the most difficult times of your life which often involve issues in family law. We are sensitive to the special issues involved, and work very hard to bring matters to an amicable resolution. We strongly believe that an agreement reached voluntarily is better for everyone, especially when children are involved.
We also recognize that family law is frequently cross-disciplinary. It can involve complex issues of business valuation, retirement benefit plans, real estate and taxation. Unlike a solo practitioner/family law specialist, our experience in diverse areas of the law allows the client security in knowing all facets of the family law matter will be properly handled. VS&B has particular experience with high income individuals for whom the standard approach to support does not apply, along with emergency situations involving child abduction and restraining orders.
Estate Planning & Probate
It has often been said, “the only thing certain in life is death and taxes.” While the former may be true, the latter is not. There are substantial legal fees and taxes that can be avoided through proper estate planning. Unfortunately, most people don’t think of estate planning until after it is too late, and many young people don’t think it applies to them at all. Another saying to better remember is, “there is no time like the present.”
Estate Planning is nothing more than planning for the events that occur at the time of your death. VS&B can handle everything you require, including the most complicated estate planning tools to help you avoid estate taxes, the necessary documents found in any estate, such as the Will and the Living Trust, and if necessary, handling probate for the estate.
Should it become necessary, we have extensive experience in complicated trust and probate litigation matters often involving highly contested issues.
VS&B Criminal Law
Life is full of unexpected bumps and bends in the road. When one of these comes your way, we can help minimize the damage by handling these problems quickly and discreetly as we have done for many of our clients and their children.